Tuesday 17 June 2025
The Collection of John and Sheana Gellert
6:00PM 3 Abbey Street, Newton, Auckland
Art+Object is delighted to present the Collection of John and Sheana Gellert. With its genesis in Petar Vuletic's internationalist, abstraction-focussed Petar/James Gallery in the 1970s, the Gellert Collection features major examples by artists from the gallery including Richard Killeen, Gordon Walters, Milan Mrkusich and Ian Scott. Continuing to acquire throughout the eighties, nineties and 2000s, the Gellert collection is a significant Auckland collection which remains at the cutting edge of Contemporary Aotearoa-New Zealand practice over nearly half a century.

Ian Scott
Portrait of John Gellert with Gordon Walters' Genealogy Painting
Further Information
Ben Plumbly
Director of Art
- ben@artandobject.co.nz
- +64 21 222 8183
- +64 9 354 4646
- 0800 80 60 01
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