Saturday 13th November 2021

No. 6
Ayesha Green (New Zealand, 1987-)
All of my Lovers are Immigrants (Smooth my Pillow)
Price Realised

No. 14
Gavin Chilcott (New Zealand, 1950-) and Ralph Paine (New Zealand, 1957-)
Bad News at the Bank
Price Realised

No. 15
Gavin Chilcott (New Zealand, 1950-) and Ralph Paine (New Zealand, 1957-)
Price Realised

No. 16
Gavin Chilcott (New Zealand, 1950-) and Errol Barnes (Australia, 1941-)
Price Realised

No. 17
Isaac Coates (United Kingdom/New Zealand, 1808-1878)
Cootia - Te Rauparaha’s Head Wife
Price Realised

No. 19
Tony Fomison (New Zealand, 1939-1999)
Attributed to Corregio - Napkin of St Veronica
Price Realised

No. 21
Russell Clark (New Zealand, 1905-1966)
Sculptural Marquette for University of Canterbury Water Fountain
Estimated Price
$25000 - $35000