Content.03 Now Available

Content Magazine
Posted on 12 August 2015

A+O publishes Content magazine on an annual basis to take the pulse of our arts scene and to celebrate the artists, collections and collectors who make a difference to the visual culture of Aotearoa New Zealand.

The magazine is available on a complimentary basis and can be read online here or by collecting a copy at ART+OBJECT.

This edition is focused on some of the major gallery stories of 2015, the recent opening on the Govett-Brewster Gallery/Len Lye Centre in New Plymouth and the imminent opening of the Christchurch Art Gallery after nearly five years closed. Content contains exclusive interviews with the gallery directors who explain what the future holds for these two vital art institutions. Elsewhere Content uncovers a vital body of photographs by Robin Morrison, charts the journey of a celebrated Charles Goldie canvas, examines the role of the architect and theorist Maurice K. Smith and celebrates the contribution of Fiona Campbell and the Real Art Roadshow.