Important Paintings & Contemporary Art, 26 November 2015

Auction Highlights
Posted on 27 November 2015

ART+OBJECT are very happy to report on a strong sale last night, our final auction of Important Paintings and Contemporary Art. Just over $1 600 000 of art sales were transacted under the hammer and with some post-sale subjects to be concluded it is hoped we may record our second sale total in excess of $2 000 000 this year. The sale started at the earlier time of 6:00pm with The Whakairo Group Collection which comprised of 36 lots and brought in a total of $120 000. The top selling lot of the evening went to C. F Goldie's stunning portrait of Wiripine Ninia (illustrated) which bought $304 000. Preliminary highlights included:

The Whakairo Group Collection
Lot 1 Bill Hammond $8910
Lot 5 Ans Westra and Wayne Youle $6095
Lot 9 Andrew McLeod $8790
Lot 13 John Drawbridge $5980
Lot 20 Tony de Lautour $10 260
Lot 27 Euan MacLeod $8500

Further works from mixed vendors
Lot 37 Gordon Walters $15 240
Lot 38 Michael Parekowhai $12 895
Lot 40 Ronnie van Hout $16 415 * a record price for a work by this artist at auction
Lot 44 Karl Maughan $19 345
Lot 45 Jae Hoon Lee $9965
Lot 59 Laurence Aberhart $11 725
Lot 74 Pablo Picasso $17 585
Lot 76 Michael Illingworth $41 035
Lot 81 Tony Fomison $25 795
Lot 82 Max Dupain $28 140
Lot 83 Gordon Walters $46 900
Lot 88 Milan Mrkusich $69 175
Lot 95 Milan Mrkusich $58 625
Lot 96 Don Binney $175 585
Lot 97 C. F Goldie $304 850
Lot 98 Shane Cotton $52 760
Lot 102 Toss Woollaston $175 875
Lot 105 Bill Hammond $87 930
Lot 112 Max Gimblett $26 965
Lot 24 Peter McIntyre $28 140

* All prices include buyer's premium and GST. A full list of prices realised will be published online shortly.