The Collection of Dame Judith Binney and Sebastian Black, 4 June 2015

Auction Highlights
Posted on 4 June 2015

Despite the inclement Auckland weather a very good crowd of collectors turned out last night for the auction of The Collection of Dame Judith Binney and Sebastian Black. Total sales on the night were $600 000 and the top selling lot went to Brent Wong's 1971 masterpiece, Capitulation which set a new record for the artist's work at auction bringing $146 560. Some of the preliminary highlights included:

Lot 1 Julian Hooper $4220
Lot 5 Greer Twiss $6915
Lot 10 Barry Lett $3750
Lot 12 Pat Hanly $7270
Lot 15 Caludia Pond-Eyley $6445
Lot 26 Gretchen Albrecht $34 000
Lot 27 Gordon Walters $64 485
Lot 30 Greer Twiss $49 245 * a new record price for the artist's work at auction
Lot 33 Brent Wong $146 560 * a new record price for the artist's work at auction (illustrated)
Lot 35 Colin McCahon $79 730
Lot 43 Robert Ellis $5860
Lot 44 Colin McCahon $5625
Lot 49 Ralph Hotere $5570
Lot 50 David Armitage $5860
Lot 52 Ralph Hotere $35 175
Lot 54 Don Binney $4570
Lot 59 Don Namundja $1875
Lot 60 Ginger Riley $3870
Lot 63 Marilyn Webb $1230
Lot 76 Philip Trusttum $3400
Lot 78 Alan Taylor $1700
Lot 84 D. Carrau $1025

All prices listed include buyer's premium and GST. A full list of prices realised will be published online shortly.