Upcoming Auction
Thursday 3 April

Paul Dibble, Giant Male Figure after Goya (2000)

Entries invited
Upcoming Auction
Tuesday 4 March

John Johns, Burnt Strand of Corsican Pine, Balmoral Forest, Canterbury (1955)

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Upcoming Auction
Tuesday 4 March

Yvonne Todd, The Menthol Series, detail (five panels, 1999)

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Upcoming Auction
Tuesday 13 May

Martin Poppelwell and Minerva Betts for Paint Department
Set 2002
painted and glazed earthenware
each signed with initials MB, MP and stamped Paint Dept.
H. 340mm (tallest); installation size variable

$4000 - $6000

Selected entries invited
Upcoming Auction
Thursday 3 April

Shane Cotton, Baseland (2011)

Entries invited
Upcoming Auction
Tuesday 4 March

Laurence Aberhart, Moreporks (Bird Skins Room, No. 2), Taranaki St., Wellington, 3 October 1985

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